
Breathwork is a universal term that refers to all breathing techniques. The type that I offer is called Conscious Connected Breathing. It is an intense form of controlling the breath that allows for massive breakthroughs and transformation.

Anxiety, fear, stress, depression and trauma are released rapidly and efficiently.  The thinking mind shuts off as you pump oxygen throughout the body. Blockages on the mental, emotional, and physical level are extinguished and an altered state of being is achieved.  Once the breathing portion of a session is complete, you dissolve into a deeply profound state of bliss, experiencing a full body high like never before. Many people leave a breathwork session feeling healed and empowered to live life with love, intention, and purpose.    

To learn more about the Conscious Connected Breathing technique, watch the video below where I walk you through a one-on-one session.

Andre is long time client who was more than happy to film this session together. Join us in this short video, to get deeper sense of what’s to be expected.

Contact me today to get started on your breath work journey!