Home Clearings

It is wide-held belief throughout indigenous cultures that everything in this universe has a spirit-

every person, rock, tree, flower, and home!

Just as our personal spirit can get dragged down from time to time, the same is true of our home.

When we don’t feel good, we usually take an action to make ourselves feel better, such as  exercise, connecting with friends, or getting out in nature. We do something that actually moves our energetic state. When our home spirit is weakened, it’s equally important to move its energy. Tidying up and cleaning are effective methods of doing this, but that’s like just taking a shower when we really need to go for a run first! Sometimes a deeper treatment is needed and that’s where I come in

I employ a series of shamanic rituals to release the frequencies that are preventing your home from existing in its optimal state. These frequencies can come from other people, negative things that have been done or said in the home, or they are the remnants from former occupants. Before coming to you, I do a shamanic meditation to connect with the spirit of your home and the land it is built upon. I am informed about the source of the energetic disturbance and shown the necessary release ritual to perform. During the ritual I burn sacred herbs, sing traditional chants, and produce healing sound vibrations using special instruments. All this comes together in a beautiful way to release the unwanted energies and create harmony for your home.  

After one of my rituals, there is usually a liberating and vibrant pulse felt through the air. Ultimately, if the spirit of the home is cared for, the home cares for you, helping you live a peaceful and fulfilling life.

2 Hour Clearing. $300