Transcend with Friends

A Shamanic Breathwork Journey through Movement and Sound

Coming together with other people in a sacred gathering is one of the best ways to release stress and feel connected.

Transcend with Friends is a fun and joyful way to do just that…

I weave the very best elements from Shamanic Journeying, Sacred Geometry, creative movement, Sound Healing, Breathwork and Reiki into one transformative experience. If you are new to any of these disciplines, this is the perfect opportunity to get your feet wet and learn something new!

The next transcendent event with by my Pride Month Conscious Rave happening on Saturday, June 17th.

The Stages of Transcending

Sacred Geometry Meditation

Sacred Geometry is the blue print for the whole universe. The meditations I share connect us with the fundamental structures of the cosmos, allowing us to step into higher dimensions of the consciousness mind.

Ecstatic Dance

Getting out of our heads is the name of the game and nothing does that more than Dance!*

We open with Ecstatic Dance as a way to purge negative energies from our system, allowing us to go deep in the meditations that follow.

*Please note: Just be willing to move your body any way you feel. When we allow ourselves to get down, our spirits fly high!

Shamanic Breathwork Journey

Once our minds and bodies are more open, we embark on a shamanic journey. I guide you deeper into an altered state of being utilizing the Conscious Connected Breathing Technique. This powerful breathwork tricks the mind out of it’s habituated patterns of thought. You feel free and open as I take you on magic carpet ride using vocal prompts and drumming. You enter an altered state of consciousness that puts you in touch with guiding spirits, who have the power to deliver needed wisdom that will enhance your life.

Sound Bath and Reiki

By this stage you will have absorbed profound spiritual wisdom on the physical mental, and emotional levels. That is why it is necessary to ground and integrate this essential information with Soundbath and Reiki.

Either myself or a guest musical artist will play sacred instruments that emit healing, transcendent frequencies.

During this time, I individually share Reiki with participants through gentle touch.* In this state of relaxation and shared energy, we receive exactly what we need and release energetic bonds which no longer serve us.

*If you do not want to receive physical touch, there is the option to opt out.

We end with a beautiful and inspirational closing to this Ceremony, after which participants have time to socialize and connect with one another.

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